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Addi - Click Cords for Standard & Turbo Rocket Needles


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Add an extra set of cords or connectors to your addiClick set!  Use the SOS cords on the Turbo Rocket & Turbo Standard Tips to create needles in 24", 32", 40", 47" & 60" lengths.  When purchasing addiClick Cords, remember that the advertised length takes into consideration that two addiClick 5" Tips will be attached.  

You will now find all of the blue nylon click cords have lifeline eyelets. These were formerly referred to as SOS cords.  The Addi SOS Cords are equipped with an ingenious lifeline mechanism for the Addi Click needles.  

Unraveling a knitted project is never an easy task, and it often leads to dropped stitches and wasted time. However, knitting with the Addi SOS cord allows for the effortless insertion of a lifeline as you knit! To open the lifeline eyelet, simply grasp the cord on each side of the eyelet and press together. Thread your lifeline yarn through the wide eyelet (not a tiny hole), and continue working as normal. When not in use, the eyelet collapses on itself and disappears into the cord.

Sold individually or as a set.  Length notates circular needle length with needles attached.  Not recommended for Bamboo or Olive Wood since these sets have brass ends instead.  Also not recommended for Short Rockets due to the length of the cords.

Images by Addi/Skacel

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